Friday, September 21, 2007

Sparkles for Hannah

Today was the sixth birthday of a very special little girl and her mommy asked for all of us to have sparkly days. It was a gorgeous late summer day here, in the mid-70s with a crystal blue sky. Eli and I spent the morning doing various fun things (a meeting about the new playground, story time at the library, a visit to another playground). But he would tell you that the true sparklies came in the afternoon, because that's when Eli had his first ice cream cone, in honor of Hannah's birthday. Now, before you think that I'm the strictest parent in the world, he's had ice cream before. But he's never had his very own cone. Today seemed to be the perfect day for that to change.

We start out very traditionally, with great expectations...

The first licks are divine...

But maybe a finger is better...

Oh, heck, let's just put it in a dish. It still requires great concentration...

But the rewards are awesome!

There must be more in there...


A truly sparkly afternoon.


Rach said...

Yes, I agree, *that* was definitely sparkly! what a lucky little guy and thank you SO much for helping us honor Han's birthday!

I LOVE the pics! :oD

Arizaphale said...

Great photo story. Funny, but I don't remember the Baby Angel's first cone.
These are great memories. Glad you had a sparkly day for Hannah and her family.